Concept of the Experimental Project Week is that five artists are given the opportunity to create new impulses and depth for two weeks. Each artist has his own work process with his own fascinations and starting points. The common thread is the social issues that their (previous) work reflects.
Daniel Arthuus (Dordrecht)
Jolande Bosch (Schiedam)
Myriam Gras (Tilburg)
Manuela Porceddu (Dordrecht)
Jessica Scholtes (Papendrecht)
Jolande Bosch (Schiedam)
Myriam Gras (Tilburg)
Manuela Porceddu (Dordrecht)
Jessica Scholtes (Papendrecht)
During the project weeks, the Pictura rooms are open to the public and mentors and tutors are invited to talk to them. In addition to the work process, previous works will also be on display. Anyone can walk in and have a look or start a conversation. The mentors and tutors are Bonnie Dumanwa, Rune Peitersen, Judith Spijksma, Paul van den Eerden, Jan Zobel, Saskia Meesters and Susanna Inglada.
On Sunday 3 November you are invited to the artist talks in which all five artists are happy to present themselves and explain their work. We will conclude the project weeks with a finissage on Friday evening 9 November, after which the exhibition can still be seen in the weekend of Saturday 10 & Sunday 11 November.